Green polka dots with velvet ribbon dress
Sizes: 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M $35 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT
Red bubble dress Sizes: 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M $32 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT EXCEPT 24M
Magenta floral cross back dress Sizes: 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M $36 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT
Summer yellow sleeveless dress Sizes: 12M, 18M $28 and it's yours!
White floral long sleeved dress Sizes: 6-9M, 12M, 18M
and it's yours!
White bear-print long sleeved dress Sizes: 6-9M, 12M, 18M $26 and it's yours!
Blue polo dress Sizes: 9M, 12M (SOLD OUT) 18M, 24M $26 and it's yours!
Yellow polo dress Sizes: 9M, 12M 18M (SOLD OUT), 24M $26 and it's yours!
White polo dress Sizes: 9M, 12M, 18M, 24M $26 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT
Pink polo tee Sizes: S, M, L, XL $18 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT
Yellow polo tee Sizes: S, M, L, XL $18 and it's yours! ALL SOLD OUT EXCEPT M
Blue polo tee Sizes: S, M (SOLD OUT), L, XL $18 and it's yours!